Lynnda Robinson: A Great Author. And Also A Mother To Three Wonderful Kids and Six Sweet Angels.

1. Can you start by telling me a little bit about yourself?
I am a mother to three wonderful kids. My last child is graduating this year and then off to college, leaving me an empty nester. I’ve been living in Alaska for almost 18 years. I own a small daycare, which I love. Never a dull moment in my home. I love most crafty things and just recently I have starting scripture journaling, which I love.
2. When did you first realize that you wanted to be an author and when did you publish your first book? How many books you have published so far?
I never thought about becoming a writer. It was indeed the furthest thing from my mind. It wasn’t until my kids were young and I kept telling them to go blow your nose, yet don’t blow your nose with a garden hose. This little statement lit the fire to my many books. With the first book, I wrote in 2007 yet didn’t get it published until 2017 as I didn’t know how to find an illustrator. Since then, I have published 11 books, with number 12 soon to be release.
3. Where do you get your inspiration from and can you tell me about your writing schedule? Like how many hours per day do you spend on your books?
Most of my inspiration for my books come from my children or my daycare kids. If you listen closely, kids will give you plenty of storylines. One day I asked my oldest, if he could have any pet, what kind would he have. He said a shark. I asked him where he would keep it and what would he feed it. He told me he would keep it in the bath tub and feed it toast. This was the start of my first series called, The Enchanted Pet Store: My Pet Shark, Bob. Because I run a daycare and stay busy all day I write at night. When I am inspired to write I do. There is no set schedule that I have. I could write two or three books in a month or one book in six months, I never know.
4.Can you tell me a little bit about your books? What do you intend to achieve through your books and where can people purchase them?
My books vary in subject as I write what I feel kids would like to hear and lessons I feel they should learn. All of my books have values and lessons in which they can learn by. My goal is to reach as many kids through my books as possible. I have books on nutrition and eating healthy, getting along and accepting everyone for who they are, what to do if your parents divorce and how it’s not your fault, etc. You can purchase my books on Amazon, Barns and Noble and on my website,
5. What do you like to do when you are not writing?
As mentioned above, I love crafts of all kind. I am really enjoying scripture journaling. I have also learned how to draw, and tried my hand at illustrating. My books, “Who Do I Belong To?” and “Do You Have?” were illustrated by myself.
6. What have you learnt in creating your books so far?
One thing I have learned from my books is that I can do things I never thought I could ever accomplish.
7. What advice would you give to other authors?
Do what you love. Write your stories on subjects you love and know about. Make sure you have a great illustrator and don’t be afraid to change if you find someone better. With children’s books, it’s not just about the storyline, it’s also about the illustrations that create a great book.
8.Do you provide other services to help other authors?
Yes, on my website, I list other author’s books besides my own. I also have an “Author of the Month” I feature, along with showcasing new releases. For those who want, I also will read your book online for kids to listen to. I send out a newsletter twice a month featuring an author’s book. I also have a Facebook group for “Authors Only.” This is where we can talk about how to market our books, help one another and be informed on what is going on with my website. My goal is to not only help get my books out to as many children as I can yet to do what I can to help other authors get their books out as well.
9.How do you market your books?
I am still struggling with this one. Right now, besides Amazon, Barns and Noble and my website, I have no other marketing at this time. Because I work during the day, Monday through Friday, I cannot go out and market my books or do readings. This makes it very hard to market.
10. What are your plans for the future? Do you have more publications on the way?
I plan on writing many more children’s books. I have a long list of subjects and titles for future books. I would love to publish at least 5 books this year. I also would love to try my hand at writing a novel yet this scares me as there are so many words I would need to include and can I think of a great storyline?
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